UniProt maps Antigenic (Antibody-binding) features from different sources to the proteins' sequences. Using this function, you can search for Antigenic sequences that has been map to UniProt proteins. You may also refine your search with modifiers such as score etc. See "Arguments section" for more information.
accession = NULL,
antigen_sequence = NULL,
antigen_id = NULL,
ensembl_id = NULL,
match_score = NULL,
- accession
UniProtKB primary or secondary accession(s). You can supply up to 100 accession numbers.
- antigen_sequence
Protein sequence in the antigenic site.
- antigen_id
Human Protein Atlas (HPA) antigen ID. You can supply up to 20 IDs.
- ensembl_id
Ensembl Stable Transcript ID. You can supply up to 20 IDs.
- match_score
(Numeric) Minimum alignment score for the antigen sequence and the target protein sequence.
- ...
rbioapi option(s). See
's arguments manual for more information on available options.
A list Where each element correspond to a UniProt protein (search hit) and Antigenic features are organized under the "features" sub-list.
Note that this is a search function. Thus, you are not required to fill every argument; You may use whatever combinations of arguments you see fit for your query.
The UniProt Consortium , UniProt: the Universal Protein Knowledgebase in 2025, Nucleic Acids Research, 2024;, gkae1010, https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkae1010
Andrew Nightingale, Ricardo Antunes, Emanuele Alpi, Borisas Bursteinas, Leonardo Gonzales, Wudong Liu, Jie Luo, Guoying Qi, Edd Turner, Maria Martin, The Proteins API: accessing key integrated protein and genome information, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 45, Issue W1, 3 July 2017, Pages W539–W544, https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkx237
See also
Other "UniProt - Antigen":