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Using this function, you can search and retrieve UniProt Knowledge-base (UniProtKB) protein entries using variety of options. You may also refine your search with modifiers such as sequence length, review status etc. See "Arguments" section" for more information.


  accession = NULL,
  reviewed = NULL,
  isoform = NULL,
  go_term = NULL,
  keyword = NULL,
  ec = NULL,
  gene = NULL,
  exact_gene = NULL,
  protein = NULL,
  organism = NULL,
  taxid = NULL,
  pubmed = NULL,
  seq_length = NULL,
  md5 = NULL,



UniProtKB primary or secondary accession(s). You can supply up to 100 accession numbers.


Logical: If TRUE, only return "UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot" (reviewed) entries; If FALSE, only return TrEMBL (un-reviewed) entries.


Numeric: you have three options:

  • 0: Exclude isoforms.

  • 1: Return isoforms only.

  • 2: Return both.

see: Alternative products


Limit the search to entries associated with your supplied GO (Gene Ontology) term. You can supply Either GO ID or a character string -partially or fully- matching the term. e.g. "GO:0001776" or "leukocyte homeostasis". if You supply "leukocyte", any term containing that word will be included, e.g "leukocyte chemotaxis", "leukocyte activation".


Limit the search to entries that contain your supplied keyword. see: UniProt Keywords


EC (Enzyme Commission) number(s). You can supply up to 20 EC numbers.


UniProt gene name(s). You can supply up to 20 gene names. e.g. if you supply "CD40", "CD40 ligand" will also be included.


UniProt exact gene name(s). You can supply up to 20 exact gene names. e.g. if you supply "CD40", "CD40 ligand" will not be included in the results.


UniProt protein name


Organism name.


NIH-NCBI Taxon ID. You can supply up to 20 taxon IDs.


Entries which cite to the article with your supplied PubMed ID.


An exact sequence length (e.g. 150) or a range of sequence lengths (e.g. "130-158").


Sequence md5 value.


rbioapi option(s). See rba_options's arguments manual for more information on available options.


A List where each element corresponds to one UniProt entity returned by your search query. The element itself is a sub-list containing all information that UniProt has about that entity.


Note that this is a search function. Thus, you are not required to fill every argument; You may use whatever combinations of arguments you see fit for your query.s
UniProt Entries are grouped in two sections:

  1. Reviewed(Swiss-Prot): Manually annotated records with information extracted from literature and curator-evaluated computational analysis.

  2. Unreviewed (TrEMBL): Computationally analyzed records that await full manual annotation.

Corresponding API Resources



  • The UniProt Consortium , UniProt: the Universal Protein Knowledgebase in 2025, Nucleic Acids Research, 2024;, gkae1010,

  • Andrew Nightingale, Ricardo Antunes, Emanuele Alpi, Borisas Bursteinas, Leonardo Gonzales, Wudong Liu, Jie Luo, Guoying Qi, Edd Turner, Maria Martin, The Proteins API: accessing key integrated protein and genome information, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 45, Issue W1, 3 July 2017, Pages W539–W544,

  • Proteins API Documentation

  • Citations note on UniProt website

See also

Other "UniProt - Proteins": rba_uniprot_proteins(), rba_uniprot_proteins_crossref()


# \donttest{
rba_uniprot_proteins_search(accession = "Q99616")
# }
# \donttest{
rba_uniprot_proteins_search(gene = "cd40")
# }
# \donttest{
rba_uniprot_proteins_search(gene = "cd40 ligand")
# }
# \donttest{
rba_uniprot_proteins_search(gene = "cd40",  reviewed = TRUE)
# }
# \donttest{
rba_uniprot_proteins_search(gene = "cd40",  reviewed = TRUE, isoform = 1)
# }
# \donttest{
rba_uniprot_proteins_search(keyword = "Inhibition of host chemokines by virus")
# }
# \donttest{
rba_uniprot_proteins_search(keyword = "chemokines")
# }